Seed Starting Soil

Zac made soil this weekend to start the Lavender and Rosemary seeds. While we could just purchase a bag of seed starting mix, we have found that it is much less expensive and we have much more control over our soil if we mix it ourselves.  Zac combined Vermiculite, Topsoil/Compost Mix, and Peat Moss.  All of these were available locally at Lowes.

The end result should be a rich, pliable mix that won't clump together.

From here, you can test the PH and NPK (N-itrogen / P-hosphorous / Potassium =K).  Potassium gets a 'k' because that's its symbol on the periodic table.  You will need to look and see what kind of food and PH level your plants like the best.  Once you know your plant's preference, you can use this basic mix to build a specific "dirt cocktail."  We use this simple soil test kit to test our soil.


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